19847 1984 Essay To control human thoughts, intuition, emotions and actions are to control existence, and that is barely what the sexual Party had done in George Orwells novel, Nineteen Eighty- Four. The Inner Party, most often refereed as the Party, had the power to control humanity or at least the civilians of Oceania. Most people that were born(p) during the rein of the Party know no other government agency of life. They all grew up without emotions, freedom or an identity. Winston who vaguely remembers when clock were different fantasizes about overthrowing the government.
He realizes that the Party is not unbeatable but that it would take all the people of Oceania to recognize this forwards anything would change. The problem is that the people of Oceania live in complete oblivion. either history book has been altered to make the people call back that the Party has been around since man first walked the earth. The citizens of Oceania do not realized that there have been greater generatio...If you want to prolong a full essay, order it on our website:
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